Getting the Basics Right: City’s Response to Snow
February 25, 2025- Today, Mayor Chow released a letter on the city’s response to the snowstorms. In response, ABC Toronto’s Executive Director, Ariella Kimmel, released the following statement:
“Today, Mayor Chow released a letter on the city’s response to the snowstorms. In response, ABC Toronto’s Executive Director, Ariella Kimmel, released the following statement:
“It’s been two and a half weeks since the first massive snowstorm hit Toronto and everywhere you go people are still talking about streets that you cannot drive on, sidewalks where you cannot walk, and completely inaccessible areas due to snowbanks and delayed snow removal. All we have heard from Mayor Chow in this time are jokes and excuses.
Today’s request by Mayor Chow to have the City Manager and Auditor General look into the matter is once again attempting to pass the buck instead of being accountable and fixing the problems today.
Good leaders take responsibility and work with a team to guide them to a solution. These are basic services that the city needs to get right. What are all these tax hikes for if they aren’t taking care of basic needs for the city?
The Mayor must do a better job of managing the city’s staff and services.”
For media requests please contact Ariella Kimmel
Phone: 613-884-9125